Sunday, January 13, 2008

Last Friday we spent 2 hours being photographed for a website that some friends are creating!!! I assure you it is all above board! They export Provencal building materials to the USA. This involved some 600 pictures of Karen and I studying doors and windows - we await the results! Next weekend we have another 'shoot' this time in a stone Masons, then some antique shops and finally where we are much more at home, in a restaurant!. We have to resort to all sorts of things to make a living now!

In France a shop can only have a sale between certain dates, they have to apply to the 'prefecture' for a licence. Rather confusingly a 'sale' is called a 'Soldes'. The sales this year in all shops and stores started Wednesday January 9th and run for a month, then that is it until July. Old habits die hard, and as we need to buy some items of furniture we went to Avignon on Friday. Of course the best time is between 12 and 2pm as the shops which are open are largely deserted as most sensible people are taking lunch!
I discovered to my (and her) embarrassment that ladies changing rooms are unmonitored unlike the UK, and just how important it is to remember which one your wife is in!!!

Meanwhile..... Our dear neighbour is now building a wall in a final attempt to stop us driving on to the plot (not that we use this access).

Our staircase is in to both the cellar and the first floor.

This is the cellar at its very raw stage!

And the gites are taking shape

This is the dining room ceiling, the wood is to have a white colour wash.

The second house is currently at a stand still!!

This picture shows the position of our new house, to the bottom right in red brick. The Chateau at the top left is at the top of the village.

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