Thursday, November 21, 2013

Is it going to be a cold winter?

All the signs are indicating a cold winter lies ahead - record acorn fall - similar to Autumn 2010 when early snow followed causing travel chaos especially in December and January.

There are also lots of berries evident. 

But maybe a better sign is waking up to snow fall today! 

We have picked our Olives this same weekend every year since 2006 and we recall only one, I think 2007 was very cold - the rest we have been in Autumn sunshine and enjoyed lunch out doors.

I think this year is going to be a tad chilly! as I write this our intrepid pickers are just about to step onto the plane at Gatwick on route, so hopefully no turning back!

I think coffee laced with brandy, and mulled wine might be order of the day.

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